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V8 Message Definiton


MLink TokenSystemData

Table Definition

FieldTypeKeyDefault ValueComment
riskFirmVARCHAR(16)PRI''SR client firm
sysEnvironmentenum - SysEnvironment'None'original source sys environment Stable Current etc
runStatusenum - RunStatus'None'original source run status ProdBeta
isDisabledenum - YesNo'None'will disable all trading in this risk group parent orders will cancel existing child orders and suspend new child orders
expDayWtVegaOffsetFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day wtVega offset target
maxExpDayWtVegaLnFLOAT-1max accntexpiration day time weighted vega long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
maxExpDayWtVegaShFLOAT-1max accntexpiration day time weighted vega short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
maxExpDayRMetric6LnFLOAT-1max acctexpiration day rMetric6 long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxExpDayRMetric6ShFLOAT-1max acctexpiration day rMetric6 short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
symDayDDeltaOffsetFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day delta offset target
maxSymDayDDeltaLnFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day delta long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
maxSymDayDDeltaShFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day delta short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
symDayVegaOffsetFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day vega offset target
maxSymDayVegaLnFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day vega long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
maxSymDayVegaShFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day vega short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
symDayWtVegaOffsetFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day wtVega offset target
maxSymDayWtVegaLnFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day time weighted vega long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
maxSymDayWtVegaShFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day time weighted vega short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter offset
maxSymDayRMetric7LnFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day rMetric7 long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxSymDayRMetric7ShFLOAT-1max acctsymbol day rMetric7 short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayContractsLnINT-1max acctriskGroup day opt contracts long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayContractsShINT-1max acctriskGroup day opt contracts short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayContractsAbsINT-1max acctriskGroup day opt contracts abs positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit abscurrent net counter
maxGrpDayDDeltaLnFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day delta long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayDDeltaShFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day delta short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayVegaLnFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day vega long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayVegaShFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day vega short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayVegaAbsFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day vega abs positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit abscurrent net counter
grpDayVegaRatioFLOAT1.0target bot sld ratio eg ratio20 means that neutral is bot vega 2x sld vega
maxGrpDayRMetric1LnFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric1 long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric1ShFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric1 short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric1AbsFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric1 abs positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit abscurrent net counter
grpDayRMetric1RatioFLOAT1.0target bot sld ratio eg ratio05 means that neutral is bot rMetric1 05x sld rMetric1
maxGrpDayRMetric2LnFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric2 long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric2ShFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric2 short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric3LnFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric3 long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric3ShFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric3 short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric4LnFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric4 long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric4ShFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric4 short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric5LnFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric5 long positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
maxGrpDayRMetric5ShFLOAT-1max acctriskGroup day rMetric5 short positive number1no limitrisk limit max limit current net counter
accEmaCxlDDeltaLnFLOAT-1max acct 60s EMA delta long positive number 0 is no limit will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches
accEmaCxlDDeltaShFLOAT-1max acct 60s EMA delta short positive number 0 is no limit
accEmaCxlWtVegaLnFLOAT-1max acct 60s EMA wtVega long positive number 0 is no limit will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches
accEmaCxlWtVegaShFLOAT-1max acct 60s EMA wtVega short positive number 0 is no limit
symEmaCxlDDeltaLnFLOAT-1max acctsymbol 60s EMA delta long positive number 0 is no limit will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches
symEmaCxlDDeltaShFLOAT-1max acctsymbol 60s EMA delta short positive number 0 is no limit
symEmaCxlWtVegaLnFLOAT-1max acctsymbol 60s EMA wtVega long positive number 0 is no limit will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches
symEmaCxlWtVegaShFLOAT-1max acctsymbol 60s EMA wtVega short positive number 0 is no limit
modifiedInenum - SysEnvironment'None'
timestampDATETIME(6)'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000'




CREATE TABLE `SRTrade`.`MsgSRRiskGroupControl` (
`riskGroupId` CHAR(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-0000-0000-0000',
`riskFirm` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SR client firm',
`sysEnvironment` ENUM('None','Neptune','Pluto','V7_Stable','V7_Latest','Saturn','Venus','Mars','SysTest','V7_Current') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'original (source) sys environment [Stable, Current, etc]',
`runStatus` ENUM('None','Prod','Beta','UAT','SysTest') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'original (source) run status [Prod,Beta]',
`isDisabled` ENUM('None','Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'will disable all trading in this risk group (parent orders will cancel existing child orders and suspend new child orders)',
`expDayWtVegaOffset` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day wtVega offset (target)',
`maxExpDayWtVegaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max accnt+expiration day (time weighted) vega long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - (current net counter - offset)',
`maxExpDayWtVegaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max accnt+expiration day (time weighted) vega short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + (current net counter - offset)',
`maxExpDayRMetric6Ln` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+expiration day rMetric6 long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxExpDayRMetric6Sh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+expiration day rMetric6 short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`symDayDDeltaOffset` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day $delta offset (target)',
`maxSymDayDDeltaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day $delta long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - (current net counter - offset)',
`maxSymDayDDeltaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day $delta short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + (current net counter - offset)',
`symDayVegaOffset` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day vega offset (target)',
`maxSymDayVegaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day vega long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - (current net counter - offset)',
`maxSymDayVegaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day vega short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + (current net counter - offset)',
`symDayWtVegaOffset` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day wtVega offset (target)',
`maxSymDayWtVegaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day (time weighted) vega long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - (current net counter - offset)',
`maxSymDayWtVegaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day (time weighted) vega short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + (current net counter - offset)',
`maxSymDayRMetric7Ln` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day rMetric7 long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxSymDayRMetric7Sh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol day rMetric7 short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayContractsLn` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day opt contracts long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayContractsSh` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day opt contracts short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayContractsAbs` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day opt contracts abs (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - abs(current net counter)',
`maxGrpDayDDeltaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day $delta long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayDDeltaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day $delta short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayVegaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day vega long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayVegaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day vega short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayVegaAbs` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day vega abs (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - abs(current net counter)',
`grpDayVegaRatio` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1.0 COMMENT 'target bot / sld ratio (eg ratio=2.0 means that neutral is bot vega = 2x sld vega)',
`maxGrpDayRMetric1Ln` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric1 long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric1Sh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric1 short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric1Abs` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric1 abs (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - abs(current net counter)',
`grpDayRMetric1Ratio` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1.0 COMMENT 'target bot / sld ratio (eg ratio=0.5 means that neutral is bot rMetric1 = 0.5x sld rMetric1)',
`maxGrpDayRMetric2Ln` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric2 long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric2Sh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric2 short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric3Ln` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric3 long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric3Sh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric3 short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric4Ln` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric4 long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric4Sh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric4 short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric5Ln` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric5 long (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit - current net counter',
`maxGrpDayRMetric5Sh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+riskGroup day rMetric5 short (positive number;-1=no limit);risk limit = max limit + current net counter',
`accEmaCxlDDeltaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct 60s EMA $delta long (positive number; <= 0 is no limit) [will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches]',
`accEmaCxlDDeltaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct 60s EMA $delta short (positive number; <= 0 is no limit)',
`accEmaCxlWtVegaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct 60s EMA wtVega long (positive number; <= 0 is no limit) [will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches]',
`accEmaCxlWtVegaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct 60s EMA wtVega short (positive number; <= 0 is no limit)',
`symEmaCxlDDeltaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol 60s EMA $delta long (positive number; <= 0 is no limit) [will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches]',
`symEmaCxlDDeltaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol 60s EMA $delta short (positive number; <= 0 is no limit)',
`symEmaCxlWtVegaLn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol 60s EMA wtVega long (positive number; <= 0 is no limit) [will immediately cxl all option orders in a symbol if any order in the symbol breaches]',
`symEmaCxlWtVegaSh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'max acct+symbol 60s EMA wtVega short (positive number; <= 0 is no limit)',
`modifiedBy` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`modifiedIn` ENUM('None','Neptune','Pluto','V7_Stable','V7_Latest','Saturn','Venus','Mars','SysTest','V7_Current') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`timestamp` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000',
CONSTRAINT nonnegative_riskGroupId CHECK(ASCII(riskGroupId) < 56),
PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (`riskGroupId`,`accnt`,`riskFirm`)


FROM `SRTrade`.`MsgSRRiskGroupControl`
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
`riskGroupId` = 'Example_riskGroupId'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`accnt` = 'Example_accnt'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`riskFirm` = 'Example_riskFirm';


UPDATE `SRTrade`.`MsgSRRiskGroupControl` 
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Neptune','Pluto','V7_Stable','V7_Latest','Saturn','Venus','Mars','SysTest','V7_Current') */
`sysEnvironment` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Prod','Beta','UAT','SysTest') */
`runStatus` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Yes','No') */
`isDisabled` = 'None',
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`expDayWtVegaOffset` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxExpDayWtVegaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxExpDayWtVegaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxExpDayRMetric6Ln` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxExpDayRMetric6Sh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`symDayDDeltaOffset` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayDDeltaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayDDeltaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`symDayVegaOffset` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayVegaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayVegaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`symDayWtVegaOffset` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayWtVegaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayWtVegaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayRMetric7Ln` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxSymDayRMetric7Sh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a INT */
`maxGrpDayContractsLn` = 5,
/* Replace with a INT */
`maxGrpDayContractsSh` = 5,
/* Replace with a INT */
`maxGrpDayContractsAbs` = 5,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayDDeltaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayDDeltaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayVegaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayVegaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayVegaAbs` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`grpDayVegaRatio` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric1Ln` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric1Sh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric1Abs` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`grpDayRMetric1Ratio` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric2Ln` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric2Sh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric3Ln` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric3Sh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric4Ln` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric4Sh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric5Ln` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxGrpDayRMetric5Sh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`accEmaCxlDDeltaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`accEmaCxlDDeltaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`accEmaCxlWtVegaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`accEmaCxlWtVegaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`symEmaCxlDDeltaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`symEmaCxlDDeltaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`symEmaCxlWtVegaLn` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`symEmaCxlWtVegaSh` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
`timestamp` = '2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000'
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
`riskGroupId` = 'Example_riskGroupId'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`accnt` = 'Example_accnt'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`riskFirm` = 'Example_riskFirm';


INSERT INTO `SRTrade`.`MsgSRRiskGroupControl`(
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Neptune','Pluto','V7_Stable','V7_Latest','Saturn','Venus','Mars','SysTest','V7_Current') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Prod','Beta','UAT','SysTest') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Yes','No') */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
'2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000'


DELETE FROM `SRTrade`.`MsgSRRiskGroupControl` 
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
`riskGroupId` = 'Example_riskGroupId'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`accnt` = 'Example_accnt'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`riskFirm` = 'Example_riskFirm';

Doc Columns Query

SELECT * FROM SRTrade.doccolumns WHERE TABLE_NAME='SpdrRiskGroupControl' ORDER BY ordinal_position ASC;